Hi everyone Sarah-Jayne here.
I just wanted to say a few words about my AK experience so far, turning 40 and hitting my 4 stone loss today.
So as I turn 40 today and in a weeks time I’ve been an AK member for a year I thought I would send this message.
When I reached out to Kimberley my confidence was rock bottom. I couldn’t see a way out. I was so unhappy on the inside and out, that I knew that change had to happen. I had to take ACTION and NOW.
Why now, well that’s a very good question and in hindsight I wished I had come to AK a lot sooner. But all good things come to those who wait right…
Wrong - because that’s what I had been telling myself and doing nothing for certainly the last 15 years.
Waiting didn’t get me results, waiting didn’t make me feel better about myself, waiting didn’t show me a love for exercise that I never thought was possible. Waiting didn’t give me my life back, it had taken so much already and so, My advice is DO NOT WAIT but take ACTION and NOW!!
When I tell you I’ve wasted so much time, years and years of not wanting to be in photographs for fear of how I look and being miserable it’s the truth. Zero confidence and lots of self loathing. Who goes on their honeymoon to a gorgeous country and doesn’t go in the pool because of how they feel and how I looked or how others may perceive me.
So many wasted years of not being in photographs , to even not allowing my husband to do a picture photo collage for my party this week all because I was unhappy with my image and if he chose photos I didn’t like or was comfortable with people seeing.
Wasted opportunities of photos with my family and my daughter because I cared what I looked like.
That’s no way to live.
Not wearing the clothes I wanted too because of low self esteem…
I remember sending my before pictures into Adam prior to starting the programme and just crying because I was so sad and unhappy. I needed this so much, just how much I only started appreciating a few weeks in.
So fast forward 12 months and I’m the happiest I’ve been in probably 15 years and that’s all because I took that first step.
The first step that was the hardest and has been the best steps I’ve ever taken for myself.
Do not regret not giving yourself a chance to feel good about yourself.
I just love everything AK stands for and all the incredible people and members that make it so special. To feel part of an amazing AK family who embrace any situation with positivity and provides a place that enhances mental wellbeing. For the first time in forever, I felt I belonged somewhere, I had found my place, my safe haven and my home all in one.
Become the person you always dreamed you would be and more. Show yourself that you deserve to have time to invest in yourself and it’s not selfish in doing so, it’s actually self care and self love.
I thought I would do a 4 week program, pat myself on the back and leave…
After my first session I knew that AK was different. I know it may sound cheesy but I’m just being honest. I knew from that moment I was prepared to work hard (never have I done this in a gym, I was just going through the motions watching the clock counting down until I could get out and get back in my car.)
Not at AK. I loved it and so continued on. I’m so glad I did. It’s the best decision I have made in transforming my life into who I am now just 12 months later.
The community of amazing women and men who train, the empowerment of members to reach our potential. To not have limiting self beliefs, to always push yourself because we CAN and we DO.
The atmosphere in the studio is incredible and from someone who is shy (until a few blue wkds in) jokes aside it’s amazing to be a part of it. I’m so thankful I have met amazing people along the way. We have laughed together, sometimes cried together (as it’s more than just a place of exercise, it’s a community where we help each other inside and outside the studio) but most importantly of all We get through it TOGETHER.
No member is left behind and I could post so many examples of members who help other members. The list is endless. I have made lifelong friends and just relish the opportunity to be in the studio and train with you all.
You are all awesome. I just want to say a big Thankyou as I appreciate the friendships I’ve formed, the laughs and giggles we have in sessions, and well what can I say I just love AK
Thankyou for all the lovely messages throughout the day. They mean the world
See you in the studio