Can you relate? 👇⭐️ Marvellous Martine 🤩 🤗An absolute inspiration to so many! Heres what Martine has to say about her journey so far.
😫 “I came to AK Active in a bit of desperation really. I’d had years of trying every diet going with no long term results. I’d tried the fad diets with quick weight loss which made me feel great for a short time, until the weight was back on again and more! I felt desperate and generally unwell, with every mood good or bad affecting my relationship with food, rewarding progress with treats and comfort eating at low moments.
✅🔥AK has made me question what I want for my future health and well-being as I get older. I think about food in a positive way now and not use it as an emotional tool to get me out of a ‘moment’
I’ve changed in many ways… firstly at work I appear to be a lot happier in myself and I’m less sensitive and grumpy 🤣 I act more confident 🤷🏼
🏆This is all true because I am a happier person, not that I was miserable or anything, but I’ve found something that makes me happy and that is being able to “take control of my life” and that is how I feel now… in control of me!
❤️I feel the healthiest both physically and mentally than I have in the majority of my adult life. Being part of AK has given me a confidence I never thought I had, it’s not like I’ve gone from a size 18 to a 10 and shed 5 stone and been slimmer of the year… yes I’ve lost weight and inches, but it has just made me feel good in myself because I’m doing something positive for me, thinking more about me after years of only thinking of others….some may think I’m being selfish but why would investing in yourself, your physical and mental health be less important than anything else…
Well it’s not and that’s what AK has helped me believe!
📣 I would tell anyone whom is thinking about joining AK active to not put it off any longer because they are already contemplating making a change. Change will only happen if you want it… so grab it, take the opportunity and be the best you will ever feel.
💛🖤 You’ll not be joining any ordinary gym to be made to feel the odd one out, unsupported or out of your depth… you’ll be joining Adam, Kimberley and the team who will support and guide you, you’ll be joining other women who will also support and guide you but most importantly you will be doing something positive for you and taking control of yourself… just like me” 😊