Summary: Make it so this is the last time you ever try to get in shape. We get it, the last two years have been tough, and most of us have gained a few pounds here and there. We show you how to get on the right track. Do you know what the very best version of you is? - The one you are healthiest and happiest at.
Hey guys,
The nights are getting shorter and the temperatures are getting warmer - well kind of, not really (if you're reading this in April! - If not then it will still massively help you!)...
Nonetheless it's getting closer to the time where we don the shorts (unless you are that guy who wears them year round,) ladies get the strappy tops out and head to the nearest beer garden, beach or anywhere just to get a sense of that summer feeling.
Every year around this time, people start to think about their "summer body." This is normally the same people who maybe didn't stick to their New Years Resolution and are ready to go at it again.
Its the same if its September and the kids are going back to school, or January with our New Years resolutions. - We need to break cycle, form new habits and routines & really get back on track!
Thats great, a fresh new start, a new crack at it and a chance to make some amazing changes. All for it!
Every single person deserves to be happy, healthy and full of confidence. Full stop.
Heres the issue, the NY Resolution approach didn't work, so the same approach won't work here either. - We need something different.
Much like this famous quote:
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
This should tell you a few things, or at least give you some clues on what not to do, right?
1. Don't look for a quick fix.
It didn't work in January, it won't work for your summer body confidence either. We want things to happen over night which is why most of us buy into supplements and weight loss shakes that do nothing except make us hungrier. If you want things to change, you need consistency. It's the single biggest thing that most people leave out when they want to feel happier and healthier. - Thats why it never sticks.
You need a plan that gets you from where you are now, to your end goal. Write down where you are, and write down where you want to be, for example in the next 8 weeks. Make a phased approach to your dieting and your training. For example: Eat a little less, and do a little more gradually. NOT starve yourself instantly.
Which brings me on to...
2. Don't crash diet.
Most personal trainers out there will put you on an insane chicken and asparagus diet, oh and maybe throw some rice in there if you're one of the lucky ones. People think that this is what you MUST do to lose weight. Wrong. These diets serve a purpose - If you're trying to win a bodybuilding competition...
But you just want to feel a little healthier, lose some weight and feel good in yourself. You certainly don't want to punish yourself!
As soon as somebody tells you that you can't have something, you instantly want it. - And you will eventually get it AND potentially undo all of your hard work.
You need a nutrition plan thats not restrictive. Instead of cutting out the foods you love, work on portion sizes and healthier versions where possible. As you get closer to your goal date, you might need to reduce your portions a little more as your body will naturally adapt.
3. Don't throw yourself into a workout program you hate.
When you don't enjoy it, you stop. Ask yourself, can you see yourself doing it a year from now?
Find a type of exercise that you LOVE - it can be anything. As long as your portions are a little smaller, AND you're moving more, you are more likely to be in a calorie deficit. Ultimately that's what we need to create a positive body composition shift and give you the confidence you deserve this summer.
Hopefully that helps you a little, or at least gets you started.
We've got something even better for you though...
People fail because they don't know what to eat - We help with that.
People fail because they are not consistent - We help with that.
People fail because they need accountability - We help with that.
People fail because they don't know how they should train - We help with that.
People fail because they don't get the support they need. - We help with that.
Are you one of these people?
Are you ready to make the change? Break the cycle? Be the BEST version of you?
Hit the button above and we will make that happen for you. You just need a goal - we get you there.
Adam -